Congrats on purchasing your @eelpress Stitch Kit, here are some basic instructions so you can get started!!
Before you start, ensure that you have all the equipment provided with the kit plus other items you may need.
Your kit includes:
Fabric with design
Embroidery thread
Not included in the kit:
Make sure your design is inside the embroidery hoop. To do this take your embroidery hoop and loosen the metal fastening on top to separate the two hoops. Place the inner hoop behind the fabric, directly beneath the design. Place the outer hoop on top of the fabric and gently press the outer hoop onto the inner hoop, then tighten the fastening so that the fabric is not slipping and sliding. Be careful not to stretch the fabric - loosen the fastening if necessary. Ideally you’d like the design to be centred within the hoop with the fabric pulled taut but not stretched.
Now you are ready to embroider! Pick an embroidery thread colour to use and cut off one arm’s length of thread. Look closely and you will see that the thread is made up of six strands. You can use the thread with all strands or if you want a thinner line you can separate the threads by carefully pulling each thread apart until you get the amount desire. When you have the right about of threads, thread your needle and knot one end. Try to knot three or four times in the same place to create a knot that will hold securely.
Embroidery is a lot like drawing with threads, so decide where you will begin on your design and bring your needle up through the fabric from the back side. To create a stitch poke the needle through the fabric and create a single straight stitch approx 5mm long and then poke your needle back through the fabric. You can then continue Continue ‘drawing’ stitches to either trace your design or fill in areas.
You can use a backstitch as well. To do this instead of continuing to draw your line, you will follow this step instead: Once you have created your first stitch (step 4), bring your needle back up through the fabric along the line you have drawn, approx 5mm from your last stitch, leaving space for your next stitch. Then push your needle back into the last hole of your last stitch. You should end up with two stitches and no gap between them. Continue until you have filled your entire design to your liking.
To change threads for any reason, once you finish the first length of thread, tie a knot on the back of the fabric, double knotting as needed. Flip your embroidery hoop over to the back and slip the needle under a stitch that is close to where you have finished stitching, loop the remaining thread around your needle a couple of times and then pull the needle all the way through until you have created a little knot. Repeat once to secure the embroidery. Snip off the remaining thread and continue with a new length of two strands, following the same instructions above for re-threading and restarting in the next spot.
Once the embroidery is complete, knot one final time and snip off the remaining thread. You can use your embroidery hoop as a frame for hanging or take out your piece and frame it as you like! If you are using the hoop as your ‘frame’ it’s best to cut off the excess fabric around the hoop so it lays flat on the wall, but be careful not to cut it too short so it doesn’t slip the frame.
There are a vast amount of types of embroidery stitches here are some resources for you to get creative:
Basic Embroidery Tutorial Video:
LoveCrafts Embroidery Basics Video
CutesyCrafts Stiches with Jessica
Embroidery Stitch Tips Website: